Thursday, December 25, 2014

Month 2 Check Up & Shots

you guys, hanky weighs 10 lbs 7.5 oz. this little guy is growing like a weed. if you read my post here, you will know just relieved we are that he is progressing. he's still in about the 5% for weight and height, but he is catching up at "lightening speed," says our pediatrician. and his fat rolls are the cutest things i have ever seen.

let's take a moment and talk about the two month shots. i always heard how hard it was for mothers to watch their babies be vaccinated... but to be honest, it didn't really bother me. but now i feel guilty, like i am a bad mom because i didn't mind. to me, vaccinating your children is a huge, resounding, YES. when hanky got his shots, i felt that i was ultimately protecting him from many preventable disease. do your part and keeps all of our kids safe. educate yourself-- more info at the immunization partnership.

love, sarah

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