Monday, January 5, 2015

Hospital Packing List

Hospital Packing List

my sweet friend, nicole, is expecting a baby in just a few weeks and we are getting so excited to welcome hanky's best bud into the world. yesterday she asked if i could share my hospital packing list with her, but instead, i will share what i WISH i packed for the hospital. i like to be prepared (read: horrible over-packer), but it ended up just being a pain for me my husband to carry all of our crap to and from the room. 

so let's get started.

for mommy:
- bring your pillow! but i would buy a cheap pillowcase for it because hospitals are gross (which will be a common theme throughout this post)
- a comfy robe. you will live in this for the next month, so treat yourself to a nice one. my favorite is this one from Nordstroms. 
- fuzzy socks and make sure they have no skid things on the bottoms (a requirment, so you don't sue the hospital when you fall on your ass). i like these
- prenatal vitamins: i'm sure the hospital has these, but i brought my own because they are gummies.
- comfy PJ's that button up the front. this is great for nursing and for when all of the doctors want to push on your belly for the next few days. i brought three pairs but only used two. 
- slippers because hospitals are gross (and oftentimes freezing). 
- any toiletries you will need. showering will make you feel human again, so do it as soon as you can. also be sure to throw some breast pads in there because you'll need them if your milk comes in... mine did and i had to use tissues stuffed into my bra. 
- a big, soft, absorbent towel. the hospital ones are tiny and itchy.  
- water bottle & snacks for after delivery (or the middle of the night). 
- flip flops for the shower. hospitals are gross. i threw mine away after. 
- underwear and probably the best advice ever: go to victoria's secret and get BLACK underwear that are about three sizes too big. get regular bikini or, better yet, cotton briefs. the black is good because you will bleed and if they're big you can fit your monster pad and ice pack in there. go ahead and get the 5/$27 deal and bring them all. 
- the best nursing bra ever. i brought three. 
- a going home outfit. remember, you will still have a belly! something that fit you around the middle of your pregnancy should work. 

for daddy: 
- any electronics to keep daddy busy and for sending out a birth announcement. we made a draft email with all of contacts already inputed and just hit 'send' once we personalized it after hanky's birth. 
- phone & device chargers. bonus points for extra long cords. 
- camera. let him take pictures. you can edit the ones that are a bit too "graphic," and i promise you will cherish them forever. the more the better. 
- hoodie & slippers: our room was freezing. 
- pillow (with own pillow case)
- comfy blanket
- toiletries 

for baby: 
truth be told, the hospital will have everything you need for your little one, but if you are like me, you will want to start playing dress up from day one. 
- bring your baby book! if you are nice to the nurses they may even stamp the babes footprints for ya!
- PJ's in a few different sizes (hanky only fit in the smallest of the newborn clothes, and at 7lbs he wasn't even that small). i liked the carter's fleece jammies for winter. 
- pacifier, we gave hanky one and never had a problem with nipple confusion.
- aden & anais swaddle blankets. they have so many purposes- i like to use it as a nursing cover! 
- these zutano booties are adorable and will keep your baby's feet toasty warm. 
- carseat, already installed. also, learn how to use it properly! i put a teddy bear in it and glad i did because i would have looked like a fool messing with the straps if i hadn't.
stroller blanket to keep baby cozy for the ride home. 

so there it is! make sure you grab everything from the hospital- diapers, wipes, blankets, burp clothes,  pads, ice packs, etc. my husband tried to take everything that wasn't bolted to the floor. stay tuned for a post-partum recovery guide and all the products you will want to have on hand! 

love, sarah

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