Wednesday, February 4, 2015

4 month sleep regression

y'all are probably doing a happy dance while reading this, but hanky has been having some terrible sleep. and boy do i mean, TERRIBLE! so much for sleeping through the night. right now, i'd sell my soul to get in a 4 hour stretch of uninterrupted sleep.

for the past three days hanky has been in quite the mood.  he can't seem to eat often enough and his sleep is totally out of whack.  he is on an official nap strike.  he won't stop crying.

he's not hungry, he's not wet, he's not sick, he's not hot/cold. he's overly tired, but refuses to go to sleep.

could it be the four month sleep regression i have read so much about? for the past two nights, hanky has been up at 11:00 PM, 1:30 AM, 4:00 AM, 5:30 AM, and then wakes up for the day at 7:30 AM.  he somehow manages to be pleasant throughout the day (if he is fed quick enough), while boycotting napping all together. oh, and did i mention, he has only done this on the nights that josh is at the station and i am alone by myself?

please, someone, anyone, help me! i want my sleeping baby back.

love, sarah

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