Friday, February 6, 2015

thoughts on going back to work

i've officially been back to work for three weeks. but before i shared my experience, i wanted to take some time and get back into my routine. i wanted to take it all in before jumping back in with an opinion. and to be honest, i haven't really established one.

some days i have been happy to leave the house, including leaving hanky, and going to work. i felt like i was really accomplishing something. and i also felt really, really, guilty.  other days, leaving him was literally torture. i felt like i was missing out on his childhood. i felt like he had grown 10 inches by the time i had gotten home. but all in all, i think going back to work has been the right choice for me, and for our family.

what really helps is having childcare that you can depend on and trust.  i feel so fortunate that josh's schedule permits him to be home with hanky a lot.  as i've said before, his shift work is both a blessing and a curse.  he has five days in a row to be at home, but only after two 24 hour shifts at the station. some days work overlaps  we are also lucky to have two local grandmothers who jump at the opportunity to babysit on days we are both working.

so i am pretty spoiled to get texts, pictures, videos, and even some FaceTime in throughout my work day.  and the best part? no matter how my day is going, i have the best thing in my life waiting for me when i get home.

love, sarah

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