Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Rollin' Rollin'

yesterday, while i was having an especially grueling day at work, i got this video.

it was one of those days that was so tough, that just seeing my baby and hearing my hubs voice instantly calmed me down. and then i thought, holy shit!!! did my baby just roll over?  after josh swore up and down that he did not touch him or tip him over, i was so so proud. and then so so sad.

hanky did something so momentous (at least in a parent's eyes) and i had missed it. and i realize that it will be the first of many things that i miss while at work. and i am still struggling to process that. i'm sure this is just the beginning of the dichotomy of being a working mom. it's hard, really, really, really, hard.

but you know i have made hanky roll over like 10 times when i got home.  i just LOVE that his face lights up with a smile and he seems so proud of himself. now, it may not have been the first time he rolled over, but it was the first time for me. and that's still pretty special.

love,  sarah

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